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Results for "keyword: "city""
A Blue Fire An excerpt from James Hillman on the challenge of imagination in city life.
Toward the Livable City Emilie Buchwald on the pleasures derived from walking and being present in the city.
It's Really All About God Samir Selmanovic on thin places, like the streets of New York, as entry points for God's grace.
The Hopes of Snakes and Other Tales from the Urban Landscape Salutes animals as spiritual teachers and fellow travelers.
Radical Grace Richard Rohr on moving beyond our family first to a protection of the human family.
Between Two Souls An extraordinary book of poetry that demonstrates the beauty and the bounties of spiritual openness, hospitality, and connections.
Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic Spiritual practices that can be used beyond the mat.
Gods of the City Covers distinctive religious practices in cities.
The Odd Woman and the City An incident that showed the author how people on city streets are great company.
365 Dalai Lama His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the loneliness that is rampant in America and the world.